Francesco Bernardi, known as Senesino, was an opera star of his era. The singer had a marvelous strong voice, he was a public favourite, earned (according to that time) a lot of money. For a long time he collaborated with Maestro Handel, who wrote for him many great roles. Francesco Bernardi was born in 1686, in Siennese barber’s family. His music education, and music career as well, began when he joined the cathedral choir in Siena. Senesino made his stage debut in Venice in 1707, but he was found as an opera singer after his Dresden debut in Lotti’s Giove in Argo (1717). In 1720 Senesino sang in Heinichen’s opera - Flavio Criso. Based on history, the singer met Handel in Dresden, when the composer came there looking for singers for the Royal Academy in London. For the very first Maestro listened Senesino in 1719, in Lotti’s opera Teofane. Apparently, the offer Handel made to Senesino was so good, that Senesino couldn’t refuse it. So, he became an “official” singer of the Ro...
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