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Handel in Ireland

Music of Handel was quite know in Dublin. There, they played some of composer’s compositions, including oratorios and church music. We remember, that the last Handel’s opera Deidamia (premiered - January 10, 1741) - had failed. So, this failure was the main reason why Handel, in 1741, accepted the invitation to make his next concert season in Dublin.

Handel was invited to Dublin by governor-general in Ireland - William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Devonshire. Lord Cavendish loved Handel’s music, probably, before to invite Maestro to Dublin, he met him many times in London.

Handel left to Ireland around 4th of November and on November 18, composer arrived to Dublin. Irish audience met Maestro with the great enthusiasm. Local newspaper wrote about upcoming Handel’s concerts in pompous phrases, emphasizing that funds from some of the concerts would be used for charity.

***William Cavendish wasn’t only a politician, but also Maecenas and benefactor. He negotiated with the composer about benefit concerts.

Handel’s concerts in Ireland had a great success. The first composition which started the music season in Dublin was oratorio L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato (The Cheerful, the Thoughtful, and the Moderate Man). Also to the audience were offered: Acis and Galatea with Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day, oratorio Esther, oratorio Alexander’s Feast and penultimate Handel’s opera - Hymen.

One of the most important event for Handel in Dublin became the premier of his oratorio Messiah, which took a place on April 13, 1742. Initially, following the arrangement, in Handel’s oratorio had to sing two choirs, one of which was the choir of St Patrick’s Cathedral. But Jonathan Swift (dean of St Patrick’s Cathedral), categorically forbade his choir to participate in Handel’s Messiah, although he gave his permission before. Why Swift changed his mind? Well, there could be three reasons:

  • 1) The Dean had very bad taste in music, so understanding nothing, he could not tell how was good Handel’s music;
  • 2) While getting old, he became jealous puritan. It is known that puritans didn’t really like music, theater and other entertainments;
  • 3) After having stroke, Swift couldn’t think clearly.
After all, they managed to persuade Swift and he allowed his choir to sing in Handel’s oratorio.

Handel left Ireland on August 13, 1742, after spending there 10 months. Dublin audience liked composer very much. Also in Ireland Maestro earned a lot of money, although it wasn’t his main goal; he found new friends and admires, including Jonathan Swift, who wasn’t really friendly in the beginning, but finally he was fascinated by the music of Handel.

Author: Alisia Holainen


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