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Philippe II d'Orleans. Duke's opera

Conquered lands, kingdoms, history, love stories - such a lush inheritance we have from the Great Kings and Dukes. However, many of rulers were not only talented politicians, warlords, usurpers, also they were quite good composers. For example, Richard I of England, Henry VIII, Louis XIII had left a music heritage for us (which is not really bad, indeed).

His contribution to music, as a composer, made Philippe II, Duke of Orleans. A few words about the Duke. According to me, he was handsome and very well educated, talented and smart, he was good at art and war questions. Philippe II, Duke of Orleans was a son of Philippe I, Duke of Orleans (brother of the King of France, Louis XIV) and Elizabeth Charlotte, Madame Palatine. Parents of Philippe II took a good care about his education, including music. His teachers were: André Campra, Charles Hubert Gervais, Antoine Forqueray; his teacher in composition was Marc-Antoine Charpentier. It was Charpentier who helped the Duke with his first opera “Philomèle” (it was premiered in 1694, at the private residence of the Duke).

July 16, 1705, in Palais Royal, in the presence of Louis XIV, was premiered the second opera of Philippe of Orleans - Penthée. Libretto by marquis Charles Auguste de La Fare (based on Ovid’s poem - Metamorphoses). Following the music tradition, which was invented by Lully, Penthée had 5 acts and one prologue. Perhaps, this opera was played the second time on May 8, 1706 in the presence of Dauphine and princess of Conti.

Unfortunately, nowadays the tragedie lyrique Penthée is rare on the stage. In my memory, it was performed twice: 2018, in Versailles and (if I remember correctly) in 1970s.

Author: Alisia Holainen


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